What you need for Gorilla trekking in Rwanda


Gorilla trekking requires you to carry the following items on your gorilla safari

1. Water : Rwanda Gorilla trekking safaris can be very tiresome and you need to refill your tank as the trek goes on. It is advisable to park a few water filtration tablets before you come for the trek.

2. Boots : You will need good waterproof comfortable shoes. Some times it rains during the trek, so skid proof shoes can come in handy.

3. Rain Jacket : You are advised to carry rain jacket because if rains very often in Volcanoes National park

4. Snack : You can carry a light snack to give you some energy during the walk in the forest.

5. Trouser and Shirts The forest in Volcanoes National Park is covered with thick undergrowth, therefore light trousers and long sleeved shirts are advised.

6. Socks : You will have to tuck in the trousers into the socks to avoid insects crawling inside.

7. Gloves : You will need Gardening gloves because you will be grabbing tree branches, leaves, name it, and some can be thorny.

8. Camera : Carry a good camera to capture this lifetime experience (no flash)